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Time management

Hi Andrew, What's the time management secret? How might one pack, daily and sustainably, 8hrs of sleep + 1hr of physical exercise + stretching + cold/heat + NSDR + meticulous nutrition (and shopping time that goes with it) + our own versions of lab work + podcast + research reflections + time for relationships + all the other life maintenance time demands? Thank you. F

Learning/recall process in bilingual/multilingual individuals

How is the learning/recall process different in bilingual individuals in their second language? Are there protocols that can assist with that?

Protocols for maintaining body composition and fitness...

Hi. It is mostly about improving all KPIs related to muscle size, strength, endurance and fitness (VO2max, max HR, HRV, ...). I guess some people are happy with their body and fitness and wonder if there are specific protocols to maintain the current state. For example, is it necessary to worry about progressive overload if you want to maintain your current body composition?

co-dependency in relationship

Hello Andrew, I've been an avid listener of your podcast and truly appreciate the insights you provide on human behavior and science based tools for optimization. I have a pressing question that I believe many of your listeners might resonate with: Can you delve into the science behind why individuals might find themselves in relationships with toxic or narcissistic partners? Specifically: Psychological Mechanisms: What are the psychological mechanisms that lead someone to be attracted to or stay with a narcissistic partner? How does co-dependency play a role in this dynamic? Complicated Situations: For those who find themselves in such relationships and face added complexities like having small children or shared assets like a house, what are the best strategies or steps to safely and effectively exit these relationships? Children's Well-being: Additionally, how can one ensure the well-being of their children during the process of separation, especially when dealing with a narcissistic ex-partner? I believe a deep dive into this topic would not only be enlightening but also provide much-needed guidance to those facing such challenges. Thank you for considering my question, and I look forward to hearing your insights on a future episode. Warm regards,

Anger because of creatine

I have started to use Creatine 5 gr/day and after about a week I had unmanageable anger issues. I could get angry on simplest things. I do add or remove single intervention anytime I try things and I am 100% sure it is because of creatine. When I try to search for it there are a lot of anectodal data for creatine anger but nothing scientific. could you elaborate on this.