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Repair years of sleep deprivation

I have slept 3 hours on average for the last three years and slept around 5 hours from 17-37, I am 40 now. I am an engineer graduated from a top university and do a demanding job. My working memory has declined dramatically and I have no recollection some events. I put my life in order now but what can I do to repair the damage done.

Knee arthritis

An episode on arthritis for knees (or lower-body, or the whole body) with yourself or you and a guest would be great. You’re the bees knees!

Is Gaba boring?

In all of your podcasts you only mention GABA in passing, and as far as I know, you have not covered it in depth. Do you find it boring?

DMT the Spirit Molecule - Rick Strassman

Hi Andrew, I just finished reading the interesting and somewhat controversial/mind-blowing book by Rick Strassman "DMT- The Spirit Molecule". I would be incredibly interested in hearing your take on it and on the effects of DMT on the brain, especially given that it is something we produce ourselves in specific moments of our lives through our pineal gland. The book has a mixed approach between scientific fact based, but the author also sort of "gives up" at one point in admitting that the experiences the volunteers had, might in fact be real and related to other planes of reality. Thanks in advance, Francesco

SHBG - is the binding reversible?

There's been many mentions of of SHBG in your hormone podcasts. How does it bind and where? Is it temporary or permanent? Does it bind sex hormones and dispose of them? Could it be reversed?