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Connect calisthenics with running

How to Connect calisthenics with everyday running (5km) and ocasionaly long distances like 10miles +, to get gains with the strength from calisthenics without losses from running? Increase calories intake can refill some losses? Or should we add some supplements? Thank you for your work 🙏🏼

Ultrarunning and the human body

Hi there, Is it possible to explain what marathons or ultrarunning (from 50 miles and more) does to your brain (brainhealthm and in general the body? Sometimes i hear a lot of positive feedback about it, while other times everyone explains that it is too dangerous. In your podcast you speak a lot of thing about the imprtance of exercise. Is it possible to get too much exercise? Thank you, Kind regards

shoulder surgery rehabilitation supplements

I have recently had a shoulder reconstruction. Labrum, supraspinatus and biceps tendonisis - I didn't actually have an accident at all - perhaps due to 'wear and tear/age'... I am very active and currently 12 weeks post surgery. Q: what (if any) supplements have been shown to assist in the healing/rehabilitation /strength rebuilding process - and is there anything that specifically helps with mobility My recent DEXA shows almost 40% difference in arm muscle already! (reduced in the surgical side with no use)

Close to death experience

I hear a lot about people that have some supernatural powers after those experience. Could you explain why?

Gateway progect

Everybody is getting its hands on 1982 CIA Gateway project for mind expansion. Is it true? Could you bring a guest?