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Could you do a series on gabapentinoids?

I'm interested in learning more about gabapentin, pregabalin, and phenibut MOA and therapeutic uses including but also beyond anti-convulsion. Additionally, I am interested in the neuroprotective mechanisms of these drugs and how they can be used to offset drug-induced hyperexcitability.

Which stage of sunset is the most beneficial?

Hey You've talked about how viewing the sunset helps the body deal with some of the light exposure later in the evening. Assuming that living in a high-rise city, we cannot view the setting sun, which time around the sunset is the best to watch the sky, and for how long: 1. Right before the end of daylight 2. Civil twilight 3. Nautical Twilight Which of the 3 would be the best to view in terms of the shift in wavelengths, etc.? Thanks

How long to view the sunset?

Hey You've talked about how viewing the sunset helps the body deal with some of the light exposure later in the evening. How long should we watch the sunset or the evening sky to get these benefits? Thanks

What is the science behind momentum

When things are going well, it seems like everything is going well. When things are not going well it seems like you can't catch a break. What is the science behind this? How can you hold onto or flip momentum in the short and long term?

Poor man's Palmer Cooling

I am freezing water in 1/4 of a plastic bottle and filling the rest up with cold water and taking to training. The idea is that the ice will slowly melt and I will have a poor man's palmer cooling devide. The water is usually around 6°C (42.8F). Is it too cold to effectively cool the body through the palms? What temperature should I aim for? Do you suggest any benchmark protocol to test if my device is working as expected (such as 5 sets of maximum push ups without palmer cooling and a couple of days later repeating with my cheap device)?