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What Does Surface 'Palmer' Cooling Miss As Compared To Cold Water Immersion?

It seems like there is crossover in the benefit between the 'Cool Mitt' and a 'Cold Plunge?' Is there a Venn diagram type comparison between these two methods of cooling the body? There seems to be some downside to using a 'cold plunge' after working out. There doesn't seem to be downside to the 'cool mitt' with working out, but what is missing in the benefits? I am not adverse to getting a cold plunge, but it would seem to be much easier to just use a 'cool mitt,' but what am I missing. What do you use and why?



What to do when you are sick

I would love to learn the science behind being sick with the common cold and flu. What is happening to the human body when we get sick, why we get sick, it it helpful to get sick or should we try to avoid getting sick? If one is sick, what to do to get better quickly? When one is sick, what happens to the sleep cycle? Should we nap to recover, or not nap to continue and up keep on our circadian rhythm? So many questions about being sick as we are heading into respiratory season. Thank you so much!


I’d love to hear your take on this particular comp compound and it’s applications.

Sleep anxiety | Insomnia | Hypothyroidism & how it affects anxiety & depression

Hi dr. Andrew, I know you have around 3 podcasts episodes pn sleep optimization, one on depression to my knowledge ('Understading & overcoming depression') & anxiety ('Erasing fear & trauma), one on thyroid, however I would love it if you'd be able to make an episode targeting specifically the endocrine disfunction (hypothyroidism especially) if & what other body systems it impacts/it's causality/correlation with phychiatric disorders, what's the data on hypot. affecting sleep, also what's the data on it with regards to increasing anxiety & maintaining depression. On the sleep issues side, I am unsure if you receive many questions about how to mange/treat sleep anxiety (a fear of not being able to sleep which in itself can keep a high arousal state and this leads to sleep issues, thus a vicious cycle). I have read some CBT-i protocols & tried to apply them, does not seem to do the trick even though CBT for insomnia seems to be the most applied for sleep anxiety. Would this fear loop of not being able to sleep fall into the category of some OCD behaviour with obbssesive thoughts about this fear & associated emotions to it? I would be highly interested if you'd interconnect hytothyroidism-anxiety-depression-sleep issues, what's the data, what are the best treatments to date (meds & behavioural approaches etc). Thank you.