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with Huberman Lab Premium

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I just finished listening to your episode on Ketamine - thank you! My question for you though stems from someone I know that tried it once for severe depression, and had a horrible "trip" - absolutely not euphoric. Interestingly, they had a brief moment of feeling really good the next day, however, they are unwilling to give it another try based on that one experience. I'm curious why some people may have different experiences like that, and does that necessarily mean that it won't work for them?

Where are transcripts?

Hello - I just joined Premium (8/15/23) for access to the episode transcripts, but I cannot find them anywhere. Can someone point me in the right direction? Without transcripts, it seems like Premium is just access to AMA episodes?

Cervical Ribs

I have fully formed bilateral cervical ribs- c7 to first rib. My question is, are they a remanent of the past or evolution?

Cervical Dystonia

At the age of 30, I received a diagnosis of Cervical Dystonia, a condition that I continue to manage at the age of 37. My experience entails grappling with intense nerve pain, unsettling neck tremors, and recurrent migraines. In pursuit of relief, I've explored various avenues, including Botox injections and acupuncture, specifically the 'dry needling' technique. While these approaches granted me temporary respite, they did not provide a lasting solution. Conversely, my encounters with chiropractic care yielded unfavorable results, exacerbating my discomfort. I am genuinely intrigued by the scientific underpinnings of this complex movement disorder and would greatly appreciate delving into its explanation. Additionally, I welcome your insights on enhancing my overall quality of life amidst these challenges.


Fear of death—not dying—how do I get over that? (I know you’re not a psychologist, but what are your thoughts?) Thanks for the awesome podcast!