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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Female menstrual cycle and exercise protocol

As woman are heavily impacted by menstrual cycle would you be kind to give us information how to optimize and schedule exercise routine in reference to 4 stages of female menstrual cycle?

Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

Could you provide us with the information about Herpes simplex virus (HSV): causes & prevention? How effective is L-Lysine in treating HSV? (IF effective what to pay attention to when purchasing/intake of L Lysine?) Why do I get HSV (almost every month) during my period?

Think Fast Talk Smart

I recently listened to this short podcast about how words influence. The guest speaker, Jonah Berger, wrote a book called "Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way." Could HL do a deeper talk on the science of language and how it subtly influences our thoughts and the thoughts of others?

Optimize pregnancy for smooth and fast delivery

What’s an exercise, nutrition, and maybe professional intervention (ex. Chiropractor) protocol to optimize pregnancy for infant/mother health, and for smooth and fast delivery?

Tool/rules to follow to push yourself mentally

Usually we have different mechanism to keep pushing myself if we are physically tired/exhausted. What are some tools/rules to keep going/pushing yourself when you feel like you are mentally exhausted.