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with Huberman Lab Premium

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What’s your vetting/research process for your podcasts?

Take us behind the curtain of your research process behind the content of your podcast and the selection guest speakers. How in-depth do you go given this podcast is separate from your professional research work at Stanford? How large is your podcast support team? Thank you for everything that you do! I find your podcast ROI very high ❤️

Optimal mechanics of sunlight viewing

I know that you're not supposed to stare directly at the sun, but do you have to look in the general direction of the sun the whole time to derive benefit or can it be in the peripheral view? For example, if I go for a walk should I walk towards the sun with my head up to the sky? What if there are buildings, trees, clouds etc. in the way obstructing the sun? Or is just being outside in the sunlight enough? Thanks, Jourdan

Why is sleep beneficial

Read your quote in the Stanford Alumni mag : "Getting sufficient amounts of quality sleep is the foundation for mental health and physical health". I believe that, but my question is why? We know how it happens and what happens, but why? Commonly, if we are troubled, we are told "Get some sleep you will feel better in the morning." or "You have a big day tomorrow...make sure you get your sleep." So, it seems the only thing that is unique to sleeping is dreaming. Is the major reason for sleep to dream? If so, can we dream without sleeping? You referenced yoga and meditation. Are those real substitutes for dreams?


How can someone overcome the addiction of alcohol or other kind of drugs?

Sense deletion

If you HAD to give up one of your senses (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting) which would it be and why?