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Exercise intolerance and CFS post covid

Very mild Covid earlier in the year. CFS ever since, all bloods and cardio function appear normal. Any suggestions? Even a light walk seems like a struggle. Used to do 4 days of gym and weekend run.

Inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters misconception?

Hi Dr Huberman, I’m curious, is the common conception that a neurotransmitter is either inhibitory or excitatory completely accurate? Can an inhibitory neurotransmitter for example make one region of the brain less active but other more active? Or is that incorrect and the common conception correct? Thank you for interest in podcasting Sam

How to have great public speech (presentation, etc.)?

How to hold meetings effectively?

What is your approach on holding the best meetings? How do you achieve what you want in those meetings? How to ask the right questions?

Idk what the title will be

Hi Dr. Huberman Im not sure if you will be able to answer this question but ill try. Im not going to hide anything I am high as I type this message its the only time I try to break down the chemistry of my brain and I belieivethe braiun many other people my age. I am 27 I havent had an easy life but I also havent had it hard, But there has been one thing my whole life that has tremendously hurt me. I feel that my way of thinking is too much. I feel constantly that Im re running thoughts or situations etc... in my head(I know this creates my anxiety like grocery stores, But ill still fight someone on spot its normal things that make me anxious). This goes to the point were I have to remind my self to stop thinking about certain things or that I dont need to be thinking. Basically what it feels like is there is no relaxing theres always something going on and going too deep. When I say too deep its in the sense of if I see bird while walking Ill think of how its flying why its doing that this and that. With that the bird example thats not bad but when you over think everything such as small conversations relationships family yadadada you get me it becomes a huge mental battle everyday. Its to the point now when I talk to people I get to into the topic then overthink that I was to into it. Now when i was younger this feeling was turned into aggression and craziness. I was a bully I wasnt nice i was kicked out schools (3 to be exact and only reason not more because my mom was the teacher at the last one she saved me from alot I put her through hell) but I did not care which honestly was ok(point to the mom thing Idgaf about the people who cared about me). Not good justshitty stuff put family through hell all of that bs but its not that uncommon. teens so high school-college still did not give a fuck cause overthinking and being in my head all day made me feel untouchable I was able to read bs and fake people froma mile away it was great (also sold drugs during this time alot) I wasnt mean like when i was younger but did not care and in my head I was still untouchable.(in my mind atleast got my ass beat and robbed too many times.maybe too many times but also cut a lot of people off from buying drugs to help I think that made a good person idk Idc rambling skip this) now towards the end of college I ended up become close with people who did physchodelics and boy did that change me. Im yet to do a real treatment blindfolded but for me personally High high recreational doses with no blindfold tested etc... really changed me for the positive. I just wanted to help or not really but be there for people or nice or whatever the fuck we call it i guess just do the right thing. this should help you would think. Now i did debate suicide a few times for no real reason I just didnt want to keep going I was bored ( I didnt really do school i went to a really big state school with creapy old pedo cough without naming my school) i scammed through college this is a whole nother post but just thnigs like saying I had brothers and sisters and no parents cant come to class because I take care of them (im an engineer I deadasss could write a book on how I scamemd thorugh it granted i comp sci and i coded and loved computers from the time I was real young I wasnt a nerd though played ball etc.. I wasnt cool not lame rambling again sorry) but I think this detail gives the idea of how I am with speaking im a bit of a con. harmlessly never bad It didnt from the time I left college I was the best version of my self(not health not yet). But I was unbeleivably depressed. Thinking how Im not enough not doing anything basically my overthinking turned from I dont care to I am not enough. Which is good i think it motivated me.I had hardships during this time finding a job but normal bs so nothing wild that should have me overthinking all day. But guess what (btw I live in nyc) after working in a liquor store for a few months I get a job (asss pay but a job Im white trash a coorperate job didnt seem possible)and now have an even better one excelling in my field and am doing really well I think idk if 120K a year isnt good and even without money doing large scale speaches(I hate that shit I hate my job I dont hate it but if I didnt have to do it I wouldnt, I wouldnt give a flying fuck about cyber security, i wouldnt give a flying fuck about people connecting to the network Id shut down internet if It was up to me its great for info but a plague, rambling sorry). Everyone seems to make more money but I dont believe Like I said I over think.(live in ny) Im not sure if you will be able to answer this question but ill try. Im not going to hide anything I am high as I type this message its the only time I try to break down the chemistry of my brain and I belieive my brain is like many other people my age. I am 27 I havent had an easy life but I also havent had it hard(unbeleivably white an middle class cop and teahcer catholic school teacher mom ass pay but good people kinda i hope), But there has been one thing my whole life that has tremendously hurt me. I feel that my way of thinking is too much. I feel constantly that Im re running thoughts or situations and diving to deep etc... in my head(I know this creates my anxiety like grocery stores, But ill still fight someone on spot its normal things that make me anxious). This goes to the point were I have to remind my self to stop thinking about certain things or that I dont need to be thinking because atleast now I know overthinking creates delusion. Basically what it feels like is there is no relaxing theres always something going on and going too deep. When I say too deep its in the sense of if I see bird while walking Ill think of how its flying why its doing that this and that. With that the bird example thats not bad but when you over think everything such as small conversations relationships family yadadada you get me it becomes a huge mental battle everyday. Its to the point now when I talk to people I get to into the topic then overthink that I was to into it which is crazy cause Its something I care about. Now when i was younger this feeling was turned into aggression and craziness. I was a bully I wasnt nice i was kicked out schools (3 to be exact and only reason not more because my mom was the teacher at the last one she saved me from alot I put her through hell) but I did not care which honestly was ok(point to the mom thing Idgaf about the people who cared about me). Not good justshitty stuff put family through hell all of that bs but its not that uncommon. teens so high school-college still did not give a fuck cause overthinking and being in my head all day made me feel untouchable I was able to read bs and fake people froma mile away it was great (also sold drugs during this time alot) I wasnt mean like when i was younger but did not care and in my head I was still untouchable.(in my mind atleast got my ass beat and robbed too many times.maybe too many times but also cut a lot of people off from buying drugs to help them from addiction I think that made a good person idk Idc rambling skip this) now towards the end of college I ended up become close with people who did physchodelics and boy did that change me. Im yet to do a real treatment blindfolded but for me personally High high recreational doses with no blindfold tested etc... really changed me for the positive. I just wanted to help or not really but be there for people or nice or whatever the fuck we call it i guess just do the right thing. this should help you would think. Now i did debate suicide during my trips a few times for no real reason I just didnt want to keep going I was bored being nice ( I didnt really do school either i went to a really big state school with creapy old pedo cough without naming my school) i scammed through college this is a whole nother post but just thnigs like saying I had brothers and sisters and no parents cant come to class because I take care of them (im an engineer I deadasss could write a book on how I scamemd thorugh it granted i comp sci and i coded and loved computers from the time I was real young I wasnt a nerd though played ball etc.. I wasnt cool not lame rambling again sorry) but I think this detail gives the idea of how I am with speaking im a bit of a con. harmlessly never bad It didnt from the time I left college I was the best version of my self(not health not yet). But I was unbeleivably depressed. Thinking how Im not enough not doing anything basically my overthinking turned from I dont care to I am not enough. Which is good i think it motivated me.I had hardships during this time finding a job but normal bs so nothing wild that should have me overthinking all day. But guess what (btw I live in nyc) after working in a liquor store for a few months I get a job (asss pay but a job Im white trash a coorperate job didnt seem possible)and now have an even better one excelling in my field and am doing really well I think idk if 120K a year isnt good and even without money doing large scale speaches(I hate that shit I hate my job I dont hate it but if I didnt have to do it I wouldnt, I wouldnt give a flying fuck about cyber security, i wouldnt give a flying fuck about people connecting to the network Id shut down internet if It was up to me its great for info but a plague, rambling sorry). Everyone seems to make more money but I dont believe Like I said I over think and I still sold drugs to get through.(live in ny) Now Im 2 years in 2 my second college earned I guess job Idk what the term is Im an engineer good job no what im saying and my second job is way better than my first. Rambling but at this point now I still cant stop fucking thinking all day and about things and turning them negative. Ive tried cutting drugs foor 2 months(weed, acid which i still dont to, coke on and off battle, shrooms, basically everything but pills) out did not really work yea on drugs I felt less depressed or I guess shitty cause I always know come downs are from the drugs not depression so I dont consider it depression but all that did was make me run around and do everything I can instead of being stuck in my thoughts. (granted I keep hard drug use to only 1 day a week now on weekends.) i was a heavy person i was about 230 510 lost a ton of weight start being around more attractive women (this messed me up a bit when it would end but I understand that cause I never had that experience this I get yadadada) still dont feel enough overthinking that im not enough or any little thing. I used to go into work and when I got home would think about small conversations with coworkers and freak out from it. I never gave a fuck about those people or that job but I was overthinking. Now Im lowkey bigger I guess lifting benching 225 abs. Now good job best health (partially thanks to the supplements you suggested appreciate you) but why am I still sitting here with reoccuring thoughts. Made up situations based on real ones to creat delusion. Fealing what Im doing is enough but Im at my best and still have so much time move foward. Feeling awkward (from ny I can talk to a wall) talking to people. Every thing. Every god damn thing. and genuinely believe everyone has this problem especially at my age but we all fake like we dont. So basically what i want to know is why our minds cannot just be still for any moment of the day? Is it possible to just shutdown and breathe.and I appoligize for the super long message but i tried to give some background and Im passioniate about this topic becuase at 27 I have had talks with multiple people close to me about how this nonstop feeling of thinking and it being negative never stops. (we were also skaters but in ny we are much ny to be honest skaters in la, Im not gonna say what I was thinking) but regardless we skaters but alot of us are engineers but even the ones still at the liquor have no reason to not be happy we have kind of, atleast alive and around. Shit are we just getting old and starting to see how shitty people are. Sorry Im going to stop I really hope this anonymous and legible Like I said Im drug(uppers) its the only time I look for help with this shit so please excuse the rambling if you dont answer atleast I practice typing. Again really my question is at mid age 20s from like 26-30 why do we still feel unsuccesfully when alot of us are in the best shape, life in general really aint bad its all in front us none of it really matters, Job, or whatever something is probably going well, what in our brain cant let us get past our thoughts,+ PS your podcast with malenka is totally off on that question about how much dopamine is released. At least for cocaine. I dont believe cocaine dosent release dopamine. If you are in happy place or young it does. (young only because its new and thats a happy fealing cause its new strong and fast) after that fealing its a downer ask any ex coke head they say they quit because they would sit in there house and do it alone and hate themselves. Im not a scientist so dont take that to seriosuyl rambling basically I think it realieses something else to cause the bad fealing You just said in this podcast you cant get addicted to what youve never done love that alot of people should here that. ok sorry this guy in the podcast does know a little yes when you it its good for all of 10 seconds but as a young adult or young coke user its not like that this podcast on cocaine is completely correct for addicts I sell it I have alot i would and hate to do it everyday and have done it everyday. You take one bump and you think about all day but also think how bad it is. you no longer but this only long term users and not full like addicts people use on weekends put a bag infront of them on a wednseday they wont want any until give them one bump adn I promise that bag will be gone hopes that helps your research. fuck this podcast cause your answering alot of my other questions with we dont know, that sucks. We dont know why people get addicted and thats one of my biggest questions in my life why do I have to run away from fealing normal why cant i leave I stop taking drugs ass idea of being proud of not taking a drink. thats dumb the outlook should be how can I not slam 25 beers tonight how can i have 5-8 beers and be coo So basically what i want to know is why our minds cannot just be still for any moment of the day? Is it possible to just shutdown and breathe.and I appoligize for the super long message but i tried to give some background and Im passioniate about this topic becuase at 27 I have had talks with multiple people close to me about how this nonstop feeling of thinking and it being negative never stops. (we were also skaters but in ny we are much ny to be honest skaters in la, Im not gonna say what I was thinking) but regardless we skaters but alot of us are engineers but even the ones still at the liquor have no reason to not be happy we have kind of, atleast alive and around. Shit are we just getting old and starting to see how shitty people are. Sorry Im going to stop I really hope this anonymous and legible Like I said Im drug(uppers) its the only time I look for help with this shit so please excuse the rambling if you dont answer atleast I practice typing. Again really my question is at mid age 20s from like 26-30 why do we still feel unsuccesfully when alot of us are in the best shape, life in general really aint bad its all in front us, Job, or whatever something is probably going well, what in our brain cant let us get past our thoughts,+