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Top things to improve public health in the states

What would be your top recommendations to improve public health in the United States? What is our current state of public health and why are we in that state? How can this be improved? Thank you!

Tattoos and immune system

Do tattoos weaken the immune system? I've heard that one of the reasons tattoos tend to slightly over time is because phagocytes slowly digest the ink and therefore having a tattoo would weaken the immune system by making it "busy" fighting the tattoo instead of being "fully focus" on attacking any other infectious agent. Thank you!


I would love to have a podcast about somatotopy in the post-CG. I think topographic organization is one of the coolest methods our brains use to keep information localized to a region. I'm also intrigued by the idea of 4 separate but "equal" maps of these sensory inputs. What is the purpose of these? Why have four? So interesting!

Bulk Cycle - Cut Cycle

In the series with Galpin, there was great detail provided on how to build a routine for hypertrophy (12 weeks, 3-5 sets/reps, 10 working sets per muscle group, progressive load increase of 3-5%, rest time between sets, 1.6 - 2.7g of protein per kg of body weight, etc.). Can you provide similar insights on how to best pair a bulk (hypertrophy) cycle with a cut (fat reduction) cycle? Further, can you describe an optimal routine for a complementary cut cycle and how to best adjust macronutrient consumption to minimize hypertrophy gains from the previous cycle?

Scale for body analyses etc.

Hi Doc, I've been using the garmin index for probably 10 years and it just quit. I want to replace it but thought I'd better see what the best unit is first. I am particularly interested in a valid hydration analysis. Recent issues with high blood pressure have fed this interest tremendously. I am 67, was a marathoner but now a half marathoner/triathlete. Due to the issue, which was precipitated by an unstoppable nose bleed, I was given med's to take to control the BP. I'm not real partial to that regime and began to research all things BP. I find that my weekly training keeps my plasma level and corresponding BP down to normal without the pills, mainly because I live in Panama and can lose 3-6lbs of liquid in an hour and 45 minute run. Anyway, there is a scale out of the UK that purportedly is the top shelf and closely approximates a dexascan, but it's $4k plus shipping. What would you recommend? BTW, you are the best, thanks!! Patrick