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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Nicotine gum & your gums

Nicotine reduces blood flow, so could nicotine gum predispose one to gum recession? Thank you for this awesome podcast. Keep up the great work.

Dental health

Also, an episode on oral/dental health in general would be fantastic!


Dear Porfesssor Huberman, when do you think transcripts will be available. Thanks

Night Eating Syndrome

I've struggled with night eating for many years, meaning I wake up in the middle of the night and want food, even though I'm not really hungry. My grandfather had the same issue, and my cousin does as well. I've always assumed it was just a lack of discipline or culture problem, but I don't remember my parents doing this, and I don't recall having this problem until I was in my 20s and 30s. Could there something physiological causing this and if so, how do I fix it? I've considered seeing a counselor about it, but I'm not sure if it would help.

Dry vaping cannabis

I know from your podcasts that vaping cannabis has bad consequences for health. Why? Is it from dodgy fluid? Or does this also pertain to dry vaping pure bud? If so, what is causing the problem? What makes it worse than edibles? Is it simply the heat? Or is it something about being absorbed through the lungs? Or...?