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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Why do you take this every other night and not every night?

High cost solutions for optimizing health

I love that you share low or no cost options for optimizing health and well being. Can you share your favorite high cost solutions for anyone that might can use it? Thanks!


Can you do an episode on TBI or mTBI (concussions)? It seems like the science behind it is developing very quickly and hard for a lay person to keep up. What protocols should someone use in the acute period (hyperbaric oxygen?), and the long term (supplements? Exercise?). It seems like a lot of this will overlap with general brain health advice, and could help a wide range of people. It would also help to know how serious head impacts are, or are not, and help determine activities to avoid or engage in. I’ve heard concussions lower IQ a small amount, and group sports increase IQ, and the net effect of group sports with a mild concussion is net a slightly higher IQ. Can you help to understand or quantify that? How dangerous is football, skiing, soccer, skateboarding? What does the data here say, if any? What current research is being done? Maybe this could be a guest podcast with someone that specializes in this field. Thank you!!!

HCG Injections.

Would like your opinion of taking HCG as a compliment to T replacement therapy. 2 days before T injection 2 days after T injection. Is it safe and effective? Would you recommend taking it or is there something more effective and safe? Thank you

Mind/Body connection

I just completed the survey and want to emphasize the simple fact that I've been in private practice for 42 years and the backbone of the healing I facilitate is through Mind/Body and Soul connection. I congratulate Dr. Huberman for being, I believe, the first from the world of "science" and no less, from Stanford, to address the essential factor in health and well-being: Mind/Body! Please, have more on this topic.....perhaps you will consider the inclusion of Soul at some point......May I also suggest an interview with an expert on New German Medicine, New Biology, and/or Rife technology? All of these modalities have been ignored by our modern science. It will be a further gift to humanity to uncover them once again. Thank you .