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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Working memory deficits

Good afternoon Dr. Huberman! LOVE your podcast more than I can express!! I am deeply curious about many things, but will focus my question in one general area—working memory. Specifically, the role working memory plays in being able hold in mind what you have read, then to organize, synthesize and articulate the parts of the whole when communicating in writing. Additionally, how ADHD and possibly disorders of written expression may inhibit this process. I have a bright kid who has tested extremely high in the visual-spatial domain (99th percentile) but is having an extremely difficult time in his English courses. Our school system is excellent, but continues to fall short in knowing how to support him in a way that works for him. Anecdotally, I had similar issues writing papers in college and grad school.

Aluminum safety in infants as a vaccine adjuvant

Would you consider doing a series on infant vaccines? Dr. Robert Sears has proposed an alternative schedule, which Dr. Paul Offit has criticized. I'm concerned about aluminum levels.

Best advice on managing PFAS and forever chemical risks

I have recently been seeing news around the potential risks and dangers of PFAS and forever chemicals. They seem to be so pervasive that it's daunting. How would you approach managing these risks without letting your life be overrun with fear?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

What is your take on HBOT? Facilities that off this type of therapy tout long lists of benefits including boosting memory, decreasing inflammation, illness healing, etc. but I'm skeptical and would love to hear your thoughts or experience.

Chronic Lonliness

If one went through a few years of chronic loneliness what would be the long term damages on the mind and body? What would be the best ways to recover from those damages (in both habits/life style and supplements) even after making new friends?