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Neurogenesis Question

OK, Dr. Huberman, what do we do when 2 respected scientists appear to disagree? Or maybe my understanding is incomplete. Can you clear this up for me because I want to understand Neurogenesis well enough to explain it to others, and I've got your take on it from PODCAST #6 "How to Focus to Change Your Brain" where you say "The BAD news is that we can't just add new neurons from exercising or something." I just watched a whole video from Dr. David Perlmutter on Neurogenesis where he says that we can "grow new brain cells from exercise." I'm not trying to pick a fight, but want to understand what I'm missing. Can we GROW new brain cells (neurogenesis) through exercise and increasing BDNF, or not? If you still stand that we cannot, how do you address the controversy with some topics like this one? -Andrea Samadi


How to improve symptoms in males.

Advice on chemotherapy

I am currently undergoing chemotherapy for metastatic testicular cancer. I have already finished three rounds of BEP chemotherapy, and I am now waiting to receive my follow-up CT scan. If the scan is not completely clear, I would need to do a fourth round. It has been a difficult journey mentally and physically, but I won't get into the details here. Do you have any advice? What would you do in my situation to make the treatment better/easier? I have been using glutathione suppositories and a daily electrolyte supplement as I read somewhere that it could help reduce damage to healthy cells.

Homemade magnesium bicarbonate

I have been making my own magnesium supplement at home. The recipe is floating around on the internet: You basically add Milk of Magnesia to carbonated water and let it sit in a bottle in the refrigerator overnight. The cloudiness of the MoM turns clear, the CO2 dissipates, and the result is magnesium bicarbonate. Are you aware of any studies on the effectiveness of this as a magnesium supplement? It is certainly cost-effective, but is it a highly absorbable form of magnesium as some claim?

Deviated Focus

After giving birth to my newborn, I became depressed which I can not get rid of. The primary matter is I can not focus on anything, How can I start to focus on my goals? My attention deviates from one goal to another goal, I can not focus on just one single target.