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Enablers of more consistent exercise

Thinking about the kinds of goals one sets, and exercise programmes we follow - are there any stand out examples of what works best in helping people adopt a consistent exercise regime, building new behaviours and habits that see them reach their goals. Does setting the right goals help overcome the typical setbacks people encounter after starting a new programme and then shortly after feeling disillusioned and "falling off the wagon." I work for a wellness business and am responsible for helping our members establish consistent exercise in their lives in order to meet their goals. I'd love any resources, tools or advice in improving how we deliver this to our members.

Night shift Hormone Health

I have been working night shift for almost 7 years as an ER nurse. For the first three years I was married and able to swap back to day living on my days off pretty easily. However, we adopted a boy about 4 years ago, and being a father has made swapping back and forth not so easy. There are lots of days that I wake up at 0700 and I'm up all day and then have to start my stretch of work days and end it by working a 12 hour shift, getting off at 0700 and staying awake for over 24 hours and going to bed that night to try and swap back to day living. My wife and I have been unable to conceive and this prompted blood work for me. My cortisol is extremely low (4.0 fasted morning labs), and my testosterone was extremely low, 140 total test and 3.2 free test. I'm 26 years old. I never have any energy, I have frequent mood swings, and I don't know how to fix this problem. What can I do to combat the negative effects of working night shift on my hormone levels?

About sponsors! I

About sponsors! I would really like to be able to support the project and of course, take advantage of your recommendations, but I live in Brazil! In addition to Momentous, is there any indication of similar products? Or someone who delivers to Brazil?


What role does it play in our modern society and how can we leverage it for health and wellnes purposes?

Myth #2: Myth of accountanbility

Hi. Have listened to this section of the 8/28/23 episode twice and I don’t understand what happens after the initial dopamine hit when you tell someone about a goal you haven’t yet started. You said that “activates a reward system that quickly dissipated. . .” But I do t understand what happens in the brain to cause that to happen. More info, please!