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Connection between mRNA Vaccines and COVID and Aortic Aneurysms?

Hello! Big fan; been listening since earlier this year, being diagnosed at 57 years old with a 4.5 cm Ascending Aortic Aneurysm during a routine Calcium Score test. I had a follow up CTA and also a Genetics Test, as I was interested in connective tissue disorder (for risk of dissection) and other associated Autoimmune disorders. My Father died of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, and also had severe Psoriasis. One of my brothers also had severe Psoriasis, and both of my sisters present with Autoimmune disorders as well (one has Ehlers-Danlos, the other Lymphoma). My Genetic testing for 35 known genetic mutations associated with Aortic Aneurysms came back negative for ALL 35 known genes and their mutations. A few days ago, I read two studies on Pub Med about discovering that mRNA vaccines (and COVID itself) could somehow trigger Aneurysm and general Autoimmune activity. I am aware that the COVID vaccines were and are necessary for the global health of the population. I'm not faulting anyone, but the more I look into this, the more connection I find between the mRNA vaccine, COVID and triggering autoimmune diseases in people. Can you speak to this please? Thank you very much in advance! - Bill Schmidt

How do you "fix" TBI symptoms?

I'll try to keep this short. A little over 15 years ago I hit my head hard enough that the left side of my face was full of broken blood vesicles. I've been dealing with dizzy spells and passing out since then. I go back and forth between the Neurologist that says I don't have seizures and the Cardiologist that says I have supraventricular tachycardia that is caused by something else. I have also been passing kidney stones pretty regularly after hitting my head and even with supplementation of 5,000mu of Vitamin D3 daily my vitamin D levels are low. Anyway, dumb stuff like walking on sand, gusty wind, temperature changes, train horns and people that pause while talking completely mess me up. I've been contemplating going to Mexico for the Ibogaine treatment but I really don't trust it and don't want to make things worse. Are there any real fixes for it? I have noticed that if I fast for 3 days, on the 3rd day I feel way better.

Protein timing and windows, collagen

Hi, I often have a protein drink / smoothie during the day. This typically consists of 50-60 grams of protein, mostly from whey. I work outside in the woods, and tend to sip the smoothie during short work breaks, sometimes taking over and hour to finish the drink. This is also usually my first meal of the day. My question is, once I begin drinking the smoothie, what is the optimal window in which I should drink it all, to maximize protein absorption and protein muscle synthesis? Is it counterproductive to sip the drink, rather than trying to drink it all within 10 minutes or so? Secondly, what are your thoughts on collagen? Would you count protein grams from collagen as part of your daily intake with regard to muscle protein synthesis? And what are the differences between the different types of collagen? Are some types of collagen preferred over others, for improving/aiding in soft tissue repair, cartilage maintenance? As opposed to the shiny hair and nails that most collagen is advertised for?

Religious practices / Mantra

Forms of mantra are practiced in a lot of different religions. What impact does mantras have on the brain in short and long term?


Things to do to lesson jetlag