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Sunlight and body direction

Dear Dr. Huberman, Thank you for your important work in bringing the latest scientific research to a lay audience. I've used many of your tips in my own (far-less attended) public talks to teenaged students. My question relates to morning and evening sunlight viewing, which I try to get now as often as possible. I do not stare into the sun, of course, but I've always wondered whether my head needs to be facing the sun. During the first half of my morning walk around the block, for example, I face the rising sun. But on my return, my back is to the sun. Am I still deriving any benefit when I'm heading west in the morning (or east in the evening)? I have walked backwards in order to take advantage of the sunlight viewing in both directions, but after a couple of falls, I figured that might not be a good idea any more! LOL Kind regards, Dominique Padurano

MInd and body relation concerning gastric issues

I'm a restorative yoga teacher, and alongside mindfulness, I've engaged in various body awareness practices throughout the years. These practices have immensely aided me in addressing body issues such as headaches, functional scoliosis, and a hunched back. Recently, I've incorporated certain body awareness techniques that have significantly improved my interoception. This has helped me identify and alleviate anxiety by pinpointing "tightness" in my belly and pelvic region. Interestingly, this approach has also reduced reflux, primarily triggered by a hiatal hernia, and has improved my colitis. I know you have discussed the mind-body connection in several episodes. Are there any scientific studies that explore the correlation between body and mind in relation to gastric issues?

Homocysteine, B vitamins and Omega-3s

How does omega-3 level in the blood affect homocysteine? I’m aware that high homocysteine levels are associated with increased risk of dementia and other cognitive issues in addition to cardiovascular disease. Supplementation with B vitamins is recommended to bring down homocysteine levels. Is there any data to suggest that low Omega-3 levels might also cause malabsorption of B vitamins, effectively leading to higher homocysteine levels? I’m also confused with the recommendation for EPA and DHA supplementation. I’ve heard you talk about increasing EPA but have heard others emphasize DHA for cognitive health. Could you please clarify how much EPA and DHA one should aim for from supplements. Thank you!

Sun light exposure and cataracts

Does sunlight exposure increase my chances of getting cataracts? I’m 61 years old. What about for younger people?

Prolonged Headphone Use

Are there any studies about the effects of prolonged headphone use and mental health and/or how it effects sleep? I use headphones basically everyday from 8am-4pm and would like to know if that can somehow be effecting me negatively.