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with Huberman Lab Premium

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What causes us to hear differently

There is a clip going around atm with a song lyric ( explicit) Why are we hearing the two very different versions, exceptionally clear. I have tested this, screen recorder and my husband and I can hear the two different versions at the same time. Seemingly driven by what we are focusing in wanting to hear. It’s still messing with me

time perception in older people

i have a theory about why time seems to go by faster and faster as we age. maybe we are having micro second blips of we age we have more and more of these blips which are un-noticeable at the time of the occurrence. but they start to add up ..preety soon they are adding up to 1 second / hour, next thing ya know 1 minute in an hour in and so on.. whatcha think...would these blips show up in brain scans??

Lack of trust in medical institutions | Adderall/stimulant shortages | Antipsychotics

Can you please do an episode about the FDA, DEA, how meds get approved, scheduled drugs, how they schedule drugs, etc? In addition, can you address the Adderall & stimulant shortage? And explain the relationships between manufacturers, pharmacies, doctors, and drug companies? And lastly, please address the prevalence of antipsychotics being prescribed, especially to people without bipolar or schizophrenia.

Why is it harder to lose weight as one gets older?

For the same amount of exercise and food intake, why does it feel harder to lose weight in your 30s/40s compared to your 20s? Is it just a measurement/mindset issue or is there some truth in hormonal weight fluctuations with age, especially in women?

“Brain Waves”/binaural tones

I was hoping to get some insight into any scientifically proven benefit to binaural tones, specifically for sleep. Plenty of apps promise better or deeper sleep, more vivid dreams, etc. Are there any studies which prove/disprove efficacy? I work midnights as a police officer, sleep is difficult to say the least, so any advantage is worth taking when the opportunity for shut eye arises. On a separate note, my sincere thank you for the myriad of benefits I’ve come to take from listening most nights.