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What supplements would be best to prioritise?

Obviously certain supplements assist various circumstances that are highly individualistic, but what would the research say are the best supplements someone could take to provide the most bang for buck leverage on their overall health and fitness?

How to make rational desicions & keep emotions under control?

You have brushed on this topic briefly, but can you talk about strategies we can use to control our emotions? And make more rational desions?

Alcohol dopamine response

Is there a way to know or somewhat accurately guess, based on a person's behavior or your own experience, whether you or someone else is one of the minority of people who have an increased dopamine response to alcohol, or can you only tell that in a lab? Are there indicators that can be casually observed? Is there a way to test for this available to the public? Maybe everyone going off to college should know if they are in that group. Maybe alcoholics would appreciate having access to this knowledge.

Risks of sunlight to eye health after LASIK

I had PRK surgery on both eyes four years ago (PRK is similar to LASIK) to correct myopia. I have been told consistently since then, both by the laser eye surgery folks and especially by my optometrist, to always wear sunglasses and to avoid being in the sunlight without eye protection because the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts increases after having laser corrective surgery. My vision insurance even covers non-corrective sunglasses for patient who have had laser eye surgery as a preventative eye health benefit. I want to follow your "daily photons" recommendations and get my morning sunlight, but I am concerned that I'd be fixing one problem (my sleep) while creating another. What would you recommend for people whose eyes are at increased risk from UV rays? (On a similar topic, for people who wear prescription glasses, why are glasses okay for getting your sunlight, but a window isn't?)

Eyes Water - Physiological Sigh

When I practice the Physiological sigh, my ears pop and I start to yawn, and eventually my eyes start to water, and sometimes I break into full on tears. Was this observed in the lab? Any advice?