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Tanning Bed vs Tanning Outdoors

During the winter, a doctor advised my sister to do a tanning bed session once a week for SAD. Wondering if there are any studies that show this helps SAD. Also, if one wants to have a slightly darker skin color, is 10 minutes once a week in a tanning bed detrimental?

Binocular vision problems

Is the critical period proposed by T and W set at a young age. Your comments on Sue Barry PhD book, "Fixing my Gaze" With your back ground and history Andrew, You should real explore the work of fellow of the College of Optometry in Visual Development. Visit us down in beautiful Paso Robles and we well show you the latest in binocular vision treatments and you can personally apply that to your reported eye condition. LOVE your work from the beginning Doug and Nancy Major OD FAAO FCOVD

MCAT Protocol

If you were taking the MCAT (a 7-hour exam that starts at 8 am and has two ten-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch break) what would your diet and supplement protocol be for the day?

What tips or suggestions would have for a long distance hiker/thruhiker (weeks/months at a time)?

I do a lot of long distance hikes (weeks/months at time). For example, The Colorado Trail for about a month or The Appalchain Trail or Pacific Crest Trail for 4 or 6 months. What tips would you have for staying healthy on trail, maintaining muscle mass when you're hiking all day for days at a time. Lightweight but healthy food options/ stretches/ foot wear option/ blister and injury prevention. Perhaps the long term effects of such hikes both good and bad. 'Post trail depression' is a big thing for thru hikers for example.

Reliable correlation between Ventilatory Threshold 1 and Zone 2?

I recently got a VO2 Max test that told me that my ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) beats per minute (BPM) is 159. The info sheet I got says that VT1 "is when your breathing increases and lactate begins to accumulate in your blood." Does this correlate to the top of my Zone 2 within the meaning that Peter Attia outlined in his episodes? In other words, if I keep my heart rate below 159 BMP (but not much more than 10-20 BMP lower), am I likely to be keeping it within Zone 2? My Zone 2 according to my Apple Watch is much lower.