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I would like to know if there would be any in person seminars in Los Angeles or Irvine ?

Advice across topics, optimization

Imagine you are giving advice to the perfectly average U.S. human (you can answer twice if gender differences matter in your response), age 40, they are married, 2 kids, 1 dog, making an average wage at an average cost location. They have 1 hour per day to act on your advice. They are of average U.S. health in every way. What habits/improvements should they implement and how would you divide up that 7 hours per week time?

Is it better to work fewer hours, either per day or per week?

Thinking about tools for everyday life, I'd love you to do an episode about what employers can do to support the productivity and wellbeing of their employees - things like the optimal duration of the work day, work week, office lighting, screen work, avoiding interruptions, goal setting, napping or nidra at work, standing desks, etc. Working from home, commuting distance. There is a huge professional interest in this topic but a lot of people hyping products, expensive organisational wellbeing programmes, etc. So I would welcome the Huberman Lab take on the parameters to consider for an employer to create an ideal or optimal work environment. What are the investments (time or financial) likely to give the biggest payoff?


What’s the science and research behind acupuncture? What has it shown to be effective or not effective in treating?

Collagen Peptides

What’s the science say on supplementation?