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Pattern Glare / Visual Stress / IRLEN Syndrome

Hello, I suffer from Visual Stress / IRLEN Syndrome, particularly from pattern glare: I'm sensitive to strip and it affects me when reading text because it's like strip of line black and white. I would love if you talk about it in a episode, what it is, where does it come from, what can be done about it etc... Thank you


Can you force yourself to find something attractive or beautiful? Can the mind be deluded in such a manner

Where to buy supplements

Hi, I would like to start taking supplements but I'm unsure as to which brands / companies to buy from as I don't know who is trustworthy and who's not. Could you please recommend some brands that you use, many many thanks in advance. I admire you and your work and cannot thank you enough for what you do ! (e.g. Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Fish oil)


Hi there. A few years ago I came across Lactoferrin and it's widely used in Asia (infant formula) and it seems to help my immune system a lot (I'm from cold Germany and not sunny CA;-). Since it's a critical ingredient in mothers milk and apparently essential for the development of babies, im wondering why you haven't mentioned it yet. ChatGPT summarizes its functionality pretty well, since there are many studies on PubMed.... Thank you!

Data Analyst for medical research regarding the Huberman Lab or any other Labs

Regarding the immense amount of data that the Huberman Lab and all other Labs from your guests on your podcast produce: Do employ Data Analysts? If yes, what’s the process of becoming a data analyst at e.g the Huberman Lab? If no, don’t you think that a Data Analyst could help any Health Research Lab analyze the data better and more efficient?