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Omega-3 supplementation and atrial fibrillation

Is there a causal link between omega-3 supplements and AFib and if so at what levels of EPA and DHA? Should certain individuals avoid these supplements?

Why are some people sick more often than others?

As we enter flu, Covid and cold season, I’m noticing some people get sick and then recover and then get sick again. What is the mechanism here, some of these people appear relatively healthy but do they just have weak immune systems?

Cold Plunge Recommendation

Is there a particular brand of cold plunge you recommend? Ideally I'd prefer one with the least amount of maintenance requirement, but without the use of sanitizing chemicals, if possible. Additionally one with a circulation system to help with breaking the thermal layer without the need to frequently move around. I know Blue Cube and Morozko fit some of those criteria, though fairly pricey. The Plunge is more affordable, but recommends sanitizing products and not sure they have constant circulation. Really what I am looking for here is, if you were to go buy one today, what brand would you buy and why? Or would you DIY?

Ketogenic Diet for Eating Disorders?

Was keen to hear your thoughts on the Keto diet as a therapeutic approach for eating disorders. There's been some promising (albeit case studies) findings recently suggesting that it might mimic the anxiolytic effect of abstaining from food whilst still allowing sufferers to restore weight but strikes me as a risky strategy for those with a history of restriction?

"Don't" List for General Health and Wellbeing

Dr. Huberman, We now know well your "Do" list for general health and wellbeing-- adequate sleep, morning sunlight, exercise, social connection, etc. What makes the "don't" list? What are the most important things from your perspective to stop or limit? It sounds like consuming alcohol might make the list at this point. I'm interested in some others! Thanks for all you do.