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Sick sleep routines

Hi. Is it recommended to sleep as much as possible while being sick or would you reccomend to stay within thr normal sleep scedule? Routines VS as much sleep as possible while being sick.

Protein Intake Revisited

The Stronger by Science folks ( make a compelling claim that 1.25g/kg/bw is probably enough to support muscle mass. Your thoughts? Thank you for being open-minded, yet supporting your opinions firmly in science.

Spare Sperm

Hi Andrew. Science says we create about 1,500 sperm cells per second. If I don't ejaculate in some time, where do all of these cells go? And/or is it a use it or lose it phenomenon?

PEMF for Athletic Performance & Recovery

Greetings Huberman Labbies! Do you have any thoughts on PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) devices? I play competitive tennis and it seems like I keep hearing more anecdata (™ Huberman) about professional/high-level athletes using PEMF mats. The BEMER is the specific device getting mentioned, but I believe there are a few brands. Do you know the value of this technology in terms of improving circulation (and what that would mean?), speeding recovery, improving sleep, or perhaps just overall health benefits? Does age factor in (IE, would PEMF have more or less value for an older athlete)? Any downsides? Does the body-length pad designed to lie on make the most sense, or would targeted PEMF have particular value for specific body parts? I’m not finding much in the way of science about these devices, but there are certainly many folks who seem to get a lot of value, so I’d love to hear your objective thoughts. Thanks, and for all that you do! Ben

ADHD Parenting

Do you have advice or book recommendations for parenting children with ADHD diagnoses? What are the non-medical ways to support children who have or are on the verge of this diagnosis?