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Chrononutrition vs Intermittent Fasting

What is the current thought on practicing chrononutrition instead of intermittent fasting. They seem to have some similarities. Thanks.

Balancing both hemispheres

Balancing both hemispheres, I am constantly caught in thoughts, procrastination, fear, and fatigue

Women's tees

When do you plan on making your rad Huberman Lab tees/clothing in women's sizes/shapes?

Medical treatment for coeliac disease?

As far as I know, the only treatment for coeliac disease is to cut gluten for life. But I was wondering if there is any research that you know of for developing some medical treatment that would allow coeliacs to consume some gluten? (Got diagnosed recently and haven't fully accepted the fact that I won't have many of my favourite foods ever again)


Any thoughts on a discussion on the varying types, and the practical, emotional, and psychological impact of colorblindness? Any input on gene therapy research etc. would be interesting as well. (Protan)