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How do you prepare/drink your Yerba Mate

I've drank yerba mate the traditional way on and off for while (with the thermos and gourd etc). Just wondered how you prepare yours? Maybe a easier way?

Claustophrobic/narrow outlook

I understand that watching a cell phone can caused a claustophoboic feeling and narrowing your perception. What about reading a book? The head and neck is the same position. Will this cause the same reaction? thanks

Protocol for ADHD drug rest days to minimize withdrawal and dependency

Is there a specific protocol for taking 'rest days' from ADHD drugs? Your episodes on dopamine / addiction and ADHD medication would suggest there is some kind of tolerance that could build up (via habitual reuptake of the dopamine inhibitors? I think? Please clarify if this is not the case) As someone with ADHD for whom Vyvanse has been life-changing, I worry about desensitization. This is underscored by how miserable I can feel on rest days where daily life feels overwhelming. Thank you! I really love your podcast.

Pleasure seeker or pain avoider

How can I tell if I’m a pleasure seeker or a pain avoider? What can I do to become a pleasure seeker instead of spending the rest of my life as a pain avoider? It would be great if you do a podcast with a Psychoanalyst and address this and similar issues. Thank you so much.

Long term effects of Zolpidem on memory

Which sleeping pill is the safest for insomnia? What are the physical and psychological side effects of taking Zolpidem, Quetiapine, Trimipramine, and Clonazepam? It would be great if you do a podcast on sleeping pills and their side effects.