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Raising tips, differences with adopted kids?

Hi there, First of all, thanks for your work and this space to allow us asking questions. I would like to ask you regarding raising tips in the studies, is there anything different or worthy to pay more attention in the case of adopted kids? Thanks in advance, Greetings from Spain

What are your thoughts on NAD+ and NMN supplements?

Why can't I sleep more?

I usually wake up at 5.30 three days a week to train. The other days, that I could sleep more, I still wake up early, even if the night before I went to bed later. I have a full time job, 2 little kids and 6.30-7 hours of sleep per night are not enough, I'm always exhausted. Any suggestion?

Most safe and effective peptides to complement testosterone

How do I get access to the Sydney live show presale?

Will you email a password? The tickets go on sale this Friday. thanks