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with Huberman Lab Premium

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My shoulders tend to slump forward and I’m wondering what I could do to improve my posture in a „permanent“ way. Meaning achieving better posture which is maintained even when not actively thinking about it

Vitamin C

What are your thoughts on supplementing Vitamin C?

Liposomal supplements

What are your thoughts on Liposome Vitamins etc. Is it worth it to take for example Vitamin D, Iron and Vitamin C in liposome form?

Insulin resistance

Could you explore the topic of insulin resistance in an episode? I'm interested in learning about its causes, recommended supplements, dietary strategies, and methods for reversing it. Despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and having no family history of diabetes, I, a 25-year-old woman, have been diagnosed with insulin resistance. I'm struggling to understand its possible triggers beyond the obvious stress factor and seeking guidance on the most effective management approaches.

Transcripts Available?

Wondering when the transcripts of the episodes will be available? I'm interested in getting the content of the episodes, but often I don't have 2-3 hours to focus on each episode.