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The physiology and protocols for healing from injuries

I've injured (muscle and tendons) my hand recently and am fascinated by the healing process. What are the processes involved, e.g. bleeding, swelling, recovering full functionality? What protocols are backed by science to facilitate healing and recovering full motor function? Are there supplements that are useful to support inflammation control, tissue healing and lymph clearance of waste products in the tissue? I'm specifically interested in if, when & how to use hot & cold exposure both locally and systemically to facilitate healing. (There's a mouth-full for you! 😁) As we empower ourselves to heal better and more independently from medicine 2.0, I would love to find out more about the topic. Looking forward to hearing your take on it.

How the menstrual cycle affects the brain

Would love a topic on how each phase of the menstrual cycle affects the brain. Particularly for women with existing mental illnesses that already have a deficiency or lower than normal baseline of ‘happy brain chemicals.’

Long-Term Effects of Pregnancy Complications

I had preeclampsia with my firstborn and gestation diabetes with my second and third born. How does preeclampsia and gestation diabetes affect the mother and baby long-term? Can Pre-e and GD affect brain development to baby? Are the long-term effects more pronounced in male or female offspring ? What actions can be taken to prevent the long-term effects that it could have on the mother and child?

BPC-157 - I'm Injured!!

Hey, Doc. Loving the podcasts. Went on a deep dive with your six episode series with Andy Galpin. Amazing stuff. Once I get 100% can't wait to institute a lot of that. Started the creatine daily as well. Thanks for the discount. My question is about BPC-157. As it pertains to injury recovery. What is the science behind it? Are there good and bad ways to get it? Pill, injection, powder, etc. What are the best ways recommended treatments? Is it something you would supplement everyday as a preventative thing? Much appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you. MG

Circadian Clock & Morning Sun for Northerners

What's the best approach to setting one's circadian clock in the north where sunrise and sunset and hours of daylight vary wildly from winter to summer? I live in Minneapolis, MN, where daylight hours vary from 16hrs51min at the peak of summer (sunrise 5:26am/sunset 9:03pm) to 9hrs53min in the depths of winter (sunrise 7:46am/sunset 4:33pm). I get up most weekdays at 4:50am and turn on overhead lights. I try to use my dog walks to get my morning light. In the winter, I'm up for 3 hours before the sun comes up and am wondering what effect that has on my clock? The same holds true at the end of the day where the sun goes down 4 hours before I go to bed.