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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Sam Harris Partnership

Can you please discontinue the partnership with the Waking Up App? This is absolutely crucial and I'll briefly explain why. People trust you and your podcast immensely because they know if you get something wrong you will come clean and take responsibility. Sam Harris's refusal to do so on Covid is the complete opposite of everything that you stand for and that this podcast stands for. On the recent Episode 1 with Paul Conti you clearly stated the following about who you work with 'When I sensed someone I was working with or for was not the right situation, I got out' 'I've made excellent decisions in terms of who to work with in terms of my podcasting' Please continue your streak of making the excellent decisions. Working with someone who has shown zero interest in taking responsibility when he was wrong is not one of them.

Postpartum Depression

I am a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner. Can we get a podcast all about Postpartum depression/anxiety. I myself have suffered from this and treat a lot about it. I wanted to get information regarding the neuro aspect as well if you have anyone who would be a great guest who specializes in it.



Functional Mushrooms

Dear Dr. Huberman, First of all, thank you for your immense attention, efforts, and service you provide for all of your listeners. As an Occupational Therapist myself I gain knowledge and insights weekly and apply it for myself as well as my patients, so again thank you! My question is related to fungi. As a trained Biology/Chemistry major/minor originally before therapy school, I find the mysteries, complexities, and potential of fungi remarkable. From deep dives into resources such as and others it seems like we have only scratched the surface regarding our understanding and potential human health benefits with respect to species such as Reshi, Lions Mane, Chaga, etc. I've developed a hobby now to grow, forage, study, and honorably harvest these remarkable beings. I know you have provided some content about this topic already and I'm hopeful that perhaps more content will emerge. However, my question for you is have you read the book Entangled Life by Merlin Shreldrake? Maybe a potential future guest? Hans L. Severson, OTR/L

Drinking lemon water

What’s your take on drinking lemon water daily?