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Group Think

Hello, how does "group think" work and how does a person breakaway from a "group think" situation and make their own individual decision or have their own input. I'm relating this question in a corporate set-up from board meetings taking million dollar decisions to internal departmental meetings.

Deer Antler Extract

Thoughts on the safety and efficacy of Deer Antler Extract or other supplements that are supposed to increase IGF-1 and help workouts and muscle strength gains? These are found in some popular pre-workouts like you probably know

toolkit video about chronic inflammation and how to reduce it

Hi Andrew and the team, thank you for the great work you put into your videos. I love your videos where you delve deep into the topics you share; I seriously adore them. I know that you have different videos about stress management, adaptogens, meditation, cold exposure, and other practices that can help in the battle against chronic inflammation, but could you please create a toolkit video that organizes these practices and any others you are aware of, for reducing chronic inflammation? I think it would provide an opportunity to revisit this theme and also share a more structured plan for starting to combat this silent killer that can affect everyone.

How should we prepare for a blood test?

Hi Dr. Huberman. A segment I'm hoping you can devote some time to is how should we prepare for a blood test, such as the one provided by InsideTracker? I'm thinking any supplement that can skew the test results, such as DHEA, Togkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, etc., should be stopped to see what your body is doing without supplementation. What about strenuous exercise (what counts as strenuous), alcohol, and caffeine? How long to stop taking/doing these things before a blood test. Also, what if you want to get a follow-up blood test to check the effects of the supplements? Would you continue taking the supplements during that follow-up test or do the effects from the supplements persist long enough to give one a good indication that whatever they're doing is working? Any guidance you could give would be greatly appreciated!

Alcohol impact on Athletic Performance

Can you do a Newsletter about the effects of Alcohol and other Addictive Behaviors on Athletic Performance. Maybe a few basic clues in response to this question would be great. Work with pro athletes and also come from a rugby culture that celebrated post game pints...thoughts??? Thanks