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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Optimizing fitness for 50+ year olds

I have been adopting several of the fitness and nutritional protocols that have been discussed on your Podcast. I have been excelling in strength, hypertrophy and endurance to near levels I haven’t experienced since I was in my low 30’s! Thank you! For someone 57 in calendar years, who hadn’t been in a gym for 17 years, I’m feeling/looking 30 again, are there any more science-based suggestions that I can incorporate to get that 8 pack (getting close), leg press over 900lbs, bench 300+, run like there’s always a wind at my back? Rich

senescent cells

As they relate to aging, Are senescent cells worth worrying about eliminating? If so what protocol or supplement regime do you recommend ? QUALIA SENOLYTIC is one being marketed by

Intermittent fasting & Exercise

I follow intermittent fasting of 16 hours, from 8pm to noon the next day. But I want to exercise at 7am. Would it be a good idea to not eat after exercise for 4-5 hours then, given the aim is fat loss ?

Tagatose and Galactose as sugar alternatives

Pros and cons as sugar alternatives and sugar alcohol alternative and additional benefits such as effect against cancer

Guest series(?) on pregnancy and the first year

Could you do a series on pregnancy, maybe with guests from various disciplines on the various aspects of conception, fetal development, birth, baby "biohacks" such as breastfeeding and so on...