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PMS, ADHD+, research, healthcare for women

Hi Andrew + Team, Recently, I've become aware of a strong connection between my experience of ADHD, TR depression, anxiety, cognition, etc, and my cycle. My ADHD medications are significantly less effective before my period. The diagnoses I've been given actually invariably show/increase symptoms during PMS, and this has been happening with increasing intensity since puberty. Yet, I wasn't diagnosed with PMS until I brought it to my doctor's attention this year at 26. I'm left frustrated by the lack of awareness and treatment for what I can now see, scientifically, as a clear root issue - the dynamism of cycling hormones/brain phases, and the lack of education and research on regulating the menstrual cycle. I am looking for the comprehensive understanding of this biology that would surely exist if this hormonal cycle occurred in men. As an incredible mind and educator, I am wondering if you have any insight as to this connection between ADHD/other symptoms cycling with the infradian rhythym in girls and women, and how to optimize this rhythm. This text software does not recognize infradian as a word, lol?

Future podcast Beautiful evening. while watching the beat, MS NBC news. Bill Gates was on the telecast speaking about infant mortality in poverty nations, as well as in the US, he spoke about the importance of helping women using ultrasound. He spoke on the development of a gadget, using the cell phone as an ultrasound device that could help women better detect. Changes in the fetus. I love gadgets inventions, so could the podcast Cimarron any type of inventions gadgets compact devices that is served the scientific community and humanity it would be a wonderful informative podcast regarding gadgets and science 🌈 I hope you can access the video above. If not the beat with Ari, Melber and Bill Gates is on YouTube August 19, 2023. The interview was really informative. Bill Gates talked about the gamut from artificial intelligence global climate change to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

To alarm or not alarm

Should a person sleep until they naturally wake, given the opportunity, or stick to set wake up time providing a sufficient amount of sleep is obtained? I like waking up early to get stuff done, making sure I get a minimum of 7.5hrs of sleep but if I don’t set an alarm I’ll regularly sleep 8.5 - 9 hours.

How harmful is radiation like 5G or WiFi?

I occasionally read about the harm of electro-magnetic radiation to the body. What do you think, is it harmful to use WiFi at home or your cellphone?

CO2 tolerance and vo2 max

Is there a direct correlation between CO2 tolerance and vo2 max? Thanks!