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Morning light exposure

Does wearing eyeglasses (I have blue light reflecting lenses to boot) or contact lenses impact the effects of morning sunlight exposure? In other words, are the effects of morning light exposure optimized by having your eyes "naked" so to speak?

Fatigue and auto immune

I have Sjögren’s syndrome and have experienced profound fatigue (not sleepiness) this past year after a lifetime of being extremely active. Very depressing and after a gazillion tests later from neurologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists etc. with everything being “normal” no one has any answer nor suggestions where I should go now. Have listened to many of your podcasts. Amazing. Advice or suggestions for my next step” “. I feel the answer is neurological because I feel messages are not getting to my muscles.

Nicotine and Alcohol

I vape.. specifically IQOS. I am trying to quit, i would like to know if you have any advice in how to quit and also is the damage done by nicotine reversible at my age of 31. Also I have a few drinks per week and was wondering if its best to avoid alcohol completely in your opinion.

Hypnosis to treat ADHD on Adults

Hi Andrew, Do you happen to have an answer to my following questions? 1.-Do you develop ADHD or are you born with it? 2.- Is it possible to use hypnosis to treat this mental disorder? Thank you so much for your help and support.

Combining Rodeola with cold immersion or wim hof breathing for immunity & focus

In your episode 18 from 5/2021 you talk about using cold or breathing to stimulate cortisol in order to strengthen the immune system or increase focus. At the same time, you mentioned that you want to do what you can to avoid the simultaneous stimulation of adrenaline in order to not spike anxiety. In a different podcast where you were talking with Tim Ferris, you mentioned that rodeola rosea works to suppress adrenaline. Could it be used in conjunction with the aforementioned cold/breathing techniques for more efficient boosting of immune system or focus?