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ADHD medications + other stimulants effects on dopamine

Hi Andrew, I was just wondering about combining ADHD medication with caffeine, as I have been a regular caffeine user for years even before my ADHD diagnosis as self medication, I'm now on Vyvanse for my ADHD and also continue to consume caffeine but, I was wondering with regards to dopamine, is the Vyvanse spiking or raising my baseline in dopamine and is also using caffeine with this having an affect also? I'm at a point where, like you said in a recent AMA about caffeine, I'm basically taking the Vyvanse and the caffeine to feel normal. I have significantly reduced dopamine stacking, activities and other things that evoke dopamine also which has helped but I don't want to rely on those two things to feel 'normal' or baseline functional. Thank you heaps for all the information and help you've given me and everyone else.

Fantastic advice

How do yo choose your guests.? ?

Intelligence research

Without going to the controversy perhaps an episode can made on the topic of intelligence? Can we actually get smarter or are we mostly using what we are born with? There are tons of contradictory information on the topic and perhaps you can shed some light on it. Thank you and best regards :)

Protocol for Panic & Fear due to incidents (during and post)

Is there a protocol that is helpful for situations/circumstances when one panics and is required to have a clear head to make an instant and important decision? I am talking in cases of emergencies for example when there is a fire, or when you forget your passports in the hotel and need to rush back to get them before missing your flight. I find myself in situations where I struggle to keep a clear head to be able to quickly think of a plan. What ends up happening is that when the situation is resolved, I can feel the tension that’s been built up in my body and it’s a horrible feeling (nausea and general discomfort). Is there a protocol to alleviate those symptoms too?

BrainTraining games & Healthy lifestyle

Is it possible to design games for the brain utilizing Neuroplasticity so that it's users will profit from them in the long term? Based on today's studies, and if they differ from your opinion I would like to hear both if possible. Answer would be super appreciated, thank you Dr!!!! :)