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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Relationships - Can Two Healthy Generative Drives Be Incompatible?

Dr. Huberman, In episode 3 on your guest series with Dr. Conti - you spend a lot of time discussing the importance of "healthy" generative drives in relationships. I am curious if this implies that there then is a spectrum of generative drives, some of which are more compatible with others (i.e., a generative drive focused more on curiosity will be more compatible with someone else who has a high level of curiosity vs. a generative drive focused on altruism/generosity is more compatible with a person with similar levels of altruism/generosity). The reason I ask is because in a hypothetical world where everyone has high levels of generative drive, some of the less important factors like taste in music, careers, etc. would seemingly have to take on a greater level of importantance in determining the compatibility of two people. Thanks! - Jack

When to start weight training in teens and adolescents?

When is it safe to start weight training in teens? Is there a recommend percent max? Will heavier weights affect the growth plates? Also, what age is it safe to take creatine for teens? Any studies determing long term kidney function, particularly for teens/kids? Thanks. Love your podcast and what you're doing. I recommend you to anyone who will listen to me!

Internal clock and TRF

My question is, has anyone found any relationship between TRF and circadian rythym regulation or internal clock? I recently started an intermittent fasting and TRF protocol. For 6 days I am only eating between noon and 8pm and 1 day a week I am not eating at all, with the occasional “cheat” day every couple weeks. A little history on me is that I was an infantryman in the Army for almost nine years, and received multiple head injuries and was also injured in a house explosion. I had found that my sense of time was not very fixed, there are times I think things happened recently and they were weeks or months past and vise versa. Also my sense of time itself on a shorter scale is not great often finding hours passed when I would think it’s had been quite shorter. I have found that my I wake up before my alarm on most days, even though I work retail and am on an irregular schedule. I also have found that I am more able to predict time periods on the shorter scale. In addition to the TRF I try to get the morning sunlight, but not always successfully due to early shifts and working inside. I don’t go to the gym or workout regularly but I do have a farm so i am always doing something physical when I’m not at work.

Sleepless nights

I don't sleep well. I wake up multiple times and yet not rested. I take Trazodone now. I just ordered AG1 Pouch.

How much body fat is "too much"

Hi, big fan. I'm aware it's a subjective thing. Im 35 years old, very active. I recently did a dexa scan, 25% body fat. I have only 1 pound of viseral fat. Aesthetics aside... do you think I would be healthier/live longer at say 20% than 25%?