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Chewing, sniffing and other annoying noises

Can you explain why some people are excessively irritated by noises such as chewing, sniffing etc while others are not. This is known as misophonia when the symptoms are really severe - it goes beyond an annoyance - it induces the fight or flight response and can ruin relationships.

how to search the AMA

I cannot figure this out. Please show How To.

Depression and anxiety

How to actually find out if one is depressed or has anxiety?

Social anxiety

A lot of people say that they have social anxiety. How can social anxiety actually be defined and what tools, habits and supplements can be useful to overcome it?

How to prevent the four major lifestyle diseases

Cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes and certain forms of cancer are heavily linked to lifestyle choices, and hence, are often known as lifestyle diseases. How can one actually take measures to prevent them? This maybe could be also done in depth in multiple episodes. What is the current science saying about prevention? What tools and supplements may proof useful?