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Nervousness and chronic stress

I tend to easily be stressed and anxious. How can I make sure to stay more in the parasympathetic nervous system?

Fitness for Seniors

I have never worked out with weights. Should I start with machines first for a month or so to get a base of strength , then start lifting weights. I just want to get strong, have more power, not "look" muscular I am 73 years old.

Cultural conditioning

We hear all rhese differences amongst all the cultures in the world. Each one has their good and their bads. What are the things you think we can bring together to condition a child's mind in the most effective, tolerant and empowered way? Are there specific genes for empathy or is this situational?

Plantar fasciitis

Around 1 in 10 people will develop plantar fasciitis at some point throughout their life. Unfortunately, I am currently one of them. What could I do to get rid of it? And more generally what should one do to build and maintain healthy feet?

Parasympathetic Nervous system: Polyvagal theory confusion

In class we learned that there are 2 parts of the autonomous nervous system the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The first one I thought was for fight, flight, freeze. The parasympathetic for rest, digest and selfheal. Fine with me. Until I tried to make sense of the polyvagal theory, which says a part of the vagus nerve (which is parasympathetic) the ability to "freeze" (at least make it not move) a mammal long enough to communicate or play dead bug to not be eaten by a predator. I already asked a professor who said that "freeze" is part of the parasympathetic and that not only the sympathetic part overreacts under stress also the parasympathetic. As an example: there is too much digestive acid build (digestion=parasympathetic) so one gets gastritis from stress. And that the whole model is very simplified as a metaphor. So my questions are: Is the polyvagal theory scientifically up-to-date, proved and/or reputable? Would you locate the autonomous nervous system as a function in the brain or in the body?