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with Huberman Lab Premium

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What is the best way to switch a limiting belief?

You said in one episode that action is the best way to rewire brain. However, how can we change some limiting beliefs like: 'I am not enough', 'Money is the root of evil'...Thank you!

Proximity and distance.

Part of the human experience seems to include very often the action of supporting people that one does not know ie celebrities , brands etc over those that one has close proximity to , family , friends etc . This behavior is baffling and majority are guilty of it. Be intersysugn to understand why this works this way and how one can become aware and at least spread the love to those in proximity instead of devaluing those we see ona. Daily basis compared to those we rarely see etc

Smells causing headaches

I have since I was about 9yo get bad headaches from certain scents/smells/odors. Examples: nacho cheese Doritos, string floral perfumes, jolly ranchers, new car smell etc. It can be as brief as a few minutes before I spiral into a headache and nausea. Often it turns into what some may consider migrain-like where it’s a complete shut down. You discussed so much about headaches recently - what type of headache is this odor causing one?


Is there any hope for tinnitis patients?

POTS -How to quickly manage episodes

I would like to know if your breathing exercises or recommendations to slow the heart rate would work with POTS episode. When I feel one coming on, I fear I will hyperventilate and make it worse. Will breathing g slower and deeper work physiologically with POTS?