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Is there any medicament to revert the symptom of an extremely long time, or even unateinable, to reach ejaculation, after many years of a continuos treatement with an antidepressant drug like oxalate of escitalopram?

We have recently celebrated, at the age of 78, our 54th wedding anniversary, and we still have an active sexual life. Unfortunately, after many years having to continuously take an antidepressant ( oxalate of escitalopram) I have been experimenting an almost unattainable ejaculation which has been very frustrating for me. That's why my question if there is any medication to revert that, since I can not yet reduce the daily 15 mg of the antidepressant I have to take.

How to know what advice is 'the best' advice

A slightly off-center question but how I/we know what so-called science-based advice to trust given the vast amount of conflicting protocols, suggestions, tools, and ways of life (i.e carnivore vs vegan die). What is the best way to approach the literature of not just scientific articles but social media posts, varying podcasts, and other forms of information sources? Thanks

Eye not fully developed

An Eye that it didn´t fully developed the vision but It has certain porcentage of vision, ej: From far can´t see but if it get close enough the eye can see it clearly. The question here is: As an 27 years old adult with this problem could recover the full porcentage of vision or that eye will stay like that for ever?

Trichotillomania in teens, Serononin/Dopamine, gut/brain

Is Trichotillomania (and related behaviors), specifically in teens, a chicken/egg situation in regard to serotonin and dopamine and gut issues? what's the link here? Specifically, once viral and late onset PANS/PANDAS and pathogens are addressed or ruled out, what's the brain pathway that gets the relief for the kids who tragically put out all their hair/eyelashes/eyebrows and what might be a rapid remedy to help while parents find the root causes. I'm looking for the triage remedy as well as the deeper causes in this complex psycho-bio-neuro-emotional puzzle. Is it similar to addiction? Self-medicating? Thank you. I'm hearing about this shockingly often, post-pandemic, with teens.

well being for people over 60

Would you do some podcasts about people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s? Lots of times the research you use uses younger populations and thus applies to them. There are lots of baby boomers listening to your podcasts and we are frustrated that research, tools, and tips don't apply to our older bodies. We can't go back and fix what we didn't do right in our 40s. All the way from muscle mass, to kidney functions, to eye sight, to cognitive abilities and more.....we can use some good education.