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What is neurodiversity/neurodivergence? It's hard for me to conceptualize the term, what are the boundaries of what is neurotypical or abnormal?

Life After CPR and Living with Lance-Adams Syndrome

My 44 year old husband survived 20 minutes of CPR that was performed by some of the best ER docs at Presby Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. I am wondering which specific Momentous supplements you would recommend for brain health? The hypoxic brain injury left him with Lance-Adams Syndrome, which has been debilitating and he is still learning to walk, run, and drive. We want to make sure that his brain is getting all the help it can get! (He does already take the Momentous Omega-3.) Thank you so much for your time and expertise!

Preventing/minimizing "Surfer's Eye

Any suggestions to prevent minimize sun damage to eyes while surfing. Opthals & Optems say no .

Study Protocols for University Students

Hi! I'm currently a second year university student and need help with my study habits. I study a content heavy degree which requires a lot of memorised information e.g. human anatomy, biomechanics etc. I would like to ask you for recommendations for protocols, habits, routines, etc to optimise my learning and allow myself to increase my ability to retain information. I would also like to ask for insight on maintaining focus while studying, I tend to get distracted after 30minutes and take a long time to get myself back to more focused work. Thank you in advance, Annabelle

Random vs Block Practice

I have read that doing random practice is more effective than block practice for skill acquisition. How well does the science back this up? (Block practice would be like practicing A for 15 minutes, then B for another 15 minutes, while random would be like switching between practicing A and B every minute)