There is a lot of talk regarding women adapting their training to their menstrual cycle. Despite the (some) well-intentioned discussions on this topic, I worry many women will adjust their training, often to less intensity when they don't need to. Also, the more the topic is discussed and promoted, the more women start having a placebo effect that they're stronger, weaker, etc., during certain times in their phases, consequently leading to reduced performance in physical training. Is there any solid and well-researched scientific hypothesis that women benefit from specific training according to their menstrual phase?
Most female contraceptives, mainly hormone contraceptives and coils, have come under heavy scrutiny by users of such contraception. Many women report life-changing side effects of most contraceptives, such as depression and losing interest in their partners. Moreover, people are urging women to come off contraceptives altogether. If incorrect or correct, these bold statements can have a considerable impact and consequences on women, their partners, and society. Is there strong scientific evidence to either support or not support women's concerns and experiences? Also, advice for women on the best way to choose contraceptives to suit them and their needs. For instance, are certain contraceptives better suited for women who exercise regularly or suffer from mental disorders?
I would love to watch an episode covering subject of migraine and other related headaches. Where do they come from, what do we know today about possible prevention, where are we (hehe) heading? As a person with many years of a regular, one-sided headaches and after unsuccessful treatments with local doctors I would love to hear some recent scientific data, possibly helping me prevent the pain in the future.