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Is aluminum foil bad?

Is it true that using aluminum foil when baking is bad for you? What are the real consequences of using aluminum foil when baking at high temperatures?


What protocols ( behavior, nutrition, supplements) support mitochondrial health ?


Any data for psychoanalysis vs cbt approaches in therapy?

Polysubstance use

Dear Mr Huberman, Polysubstance use - medicinal/ intentionally + recreational. Resources or insight into what medications negatively react with others. E.g., medicinal cannabis shouldn't be taken with antipsychotics (?), drinking and xanax (big no no), dexamphetamine and drinking (keeps me straight but means I can drink more). As individuals with multiple prescribed psychiatric medications should take extra care, even when drinking alcohol. For curiosity, and learning what adverse effects occur may make for better decision making, and understanding of self. Sincere thanks,

Rheumatoid arthritis and gut bacteria

Autoimmune diseases are rampant in my family (Hashimotos, RA, alopecia). "The new study, published in the October 26 issue of Science Translational Medicine, revealed that this bacterial species could trigger the formation of autoantibodies, or antibodies that target the body's own tissues". Reference: ME Chriswell, et al. Clonal IgA and IgG autoantibodies from individuals at risk for rheumatoid arthritis identify an arthritogenic strain of Subdoligranulum. Science Translational Medicine DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abn5166 (2022). If you could please do an episode on autoimmune diseases, I've been eagerly awaiting to hear an episode from you about this :D thankyou