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Looking forward to transcripts of podcasts as I want to read many of the "aha" moments I hear. Is there a potential timeline for availability of transcripts? I am especially interested in the Dr. Paul Conti x4 series.

Artificial sun lamp vs Cloudy day sunlight exposure

Which is more effective for optimizing circadian rhythm on a dark/cloudy/rainy day- getting outside and looking in the direction of the sun even if you can't see it at all, or viewing an artificial sun lamp?

Strabismic Tennis Player

Hi. I have strabismus. Have had mutliple surgeries over my lifetime. I'm 55 years old. Have tried Vision Therapy. No binocular vision. I have plateaued in tennis snd have a hard time seeing the faster balls and volleying vs baseline. Which programs / therapies do you recommend? Is it possible to train my brain to see binocular? It's been a frustrating journey. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Universal Sound?

I have had several DMT experiences, and a common component is the ringing sound in a certain phase. I also have this experience when I feel calm and focused (in touch with something). I've been trying to understand this "scientifically" and was wondering if you had any insight into what this might be. It makes me think of the Buddhist practice of ringing things at frequencies and other similar practices. PS The Conti Series was the most important podcast I have ever listened to).

Amino Acids- are they worth taking a supplement for?

Hello- I recently came across a brand called Kion offering Essential Amino Acids that they say are clinically proven to naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, and enhance athletic recovery. The founder mentioned that the amino acids will also not interfere with intermittent fasting but gives you the benefits of if you had eaten protein. The amino acids listed in the supplement are: L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine, L-Lysine HCL, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Methionine, L-Tryptophan; L-Histidine Is this something that should be added to someone’s routine if they are looking to build muscle or is this something that would benefit everyone to take?