Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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How has you changed as a person since starting the podcast.

I’ve been listening to your podcasts since you started and I have learnt and changed a lot.

Amla & bhringaraj to prevent hair loss

Amla & bhringaraj are two ayurvedic supplements touted for, amongst other things, the prevention of hair loss, on par with minoxidil. Could you do a deep dive on these two substances? Thanks!

How to prevent and avoid far sightedness.

Prof. Huberman, Any behavioral tool to preven and avoid farsightedness ? Thank you!

Convergent thinking ability for ADHD individuals

In your recent podcast on creativity you explored divergent and convergent thinking in creativity. You also mentioned some people (such as those with ADHD) are very good at divergent thinking but struggle with convergent thinking that allows them to bring their idea to life. Do you have any toolkits or protocols for increasing the convergent ability? As a side note you also mentioned that the activities you do as a child determine your ability to think divergently and convergently. Can you provide some examples of what these activities might include? Thank you :)

How can somebody break out of a cycle of mediocrity?

I am stuck in a cycle of mediocrity. I have a stable job, I’m mostly pretty happy, and I’m fairly healthy. But I’m constantly aspiring to do better. I don’t want to be mediocre, I want to be exceptional. I want to get in better shape, eat cleaner, learn to focus deeply, and become a master of my craft (computers programming). But every day I keep making the same choices. Rather than exercising, I plan to start tomorrow and I do something else. I feel trapped in a cycle of this, and occasionally feeling very motivated and making a big change for a week, and then somehow the habit breaks down and I am back where I was just a week ago. Sometimes I wonder if I must have ADHD or something. I think there might be an epidemic of this amongst young people in developed countries. Relatively speaking we’re born into easy lives with nearly infinite temptations in the form of junk food, social media, pornography, etc. I know both personally and online many other young people who feel the same way. How do I, and any others who want to join me, break out of this cycle of mediocrity and become the best version of myself? - Cedrick