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Understanding Lion's Mane Benefits and Best Supplement Form

Hello Dr. Huberman, I'm interested in the potential cognitive benefits of Lion's Mane mushroom extract. Could you please provide insights into the scientific evidence supporting its use for cognitive function and overall brain health? Additionally, what is the best type of supplement to choose from: capsules, pills, tinctures or powder? Thank you.

Bed elevation and sleep quality?

As far as we know, is there any good evidence for the benefit of sleeping at an angle with the head slightly higher than the feet, or vice versa?

Convergent/Divergent Thinking

As someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD I am curious about how it might affect convergent vs. divergent thinking styles. I've read that one of the key symptoms of ADHD is divergent thinking. While some of the divergent thinking qualities may apply to myself, I more strongly identify with convergent/analytic thinking styles. I've also read that you can be a lateral thinker, which was described as convergent + divergent thinking. This may be applicable to myself, however, I find that my convergent thinking often gets in the way of my abilities to creatively problem solve/divergent thinking. Sometimes visa-versa applies as well. Is there a way to get these abilities to work in sync, or am I just wired backwards? : ) For context, my professional career has been in the creative spaces (graphic designer, photographer, illustrator) but I have a scientific/logical bend as well. For example, I excelled in math & science as well as art & music during my school years. As a consequence, I received my masters in medical illustration since I couldn't choose between a creative vs. science career.

Optic Nerve Damage

Is there any new research around regeneration of this nerve? Mine was damaged after a MVA in 2001, basilar skull fracture/hematoma. I had a great deal of trauma with my head, and still have a myringotomy tube in my R ear, some vertigo, living with vestibular and proprioception issues, and tinnitus. I noticed little change after most of my healing in the first year or two, I continue to have a myringotomy tube as there is issues with my eustachian tube draining due to the head injury. I have always and still do feel immense gratitude for my ability to function well still with work and that I can walk, talk and contribute to others well-being as a mental health therapist. I had a diopter of maybe 1 in my lens for almost the next 18 years. Around 3 years ago I found I couldn't walk for more than 20 min without significant nausea, exploration of the myringotomy tube and related referrals seemingly pointing to nothing other than increasing my prism led me to my own exploration. After learning about Syntonics I found an Optometrist in my city who has led me through vision therapy and the Syntonics as well working initially with an osteopath seemed to offer some change to my 4th nerve palsy as I understand it. I have had MRI's and CT scans and there is nothing noteable to why the sudden deterioration, as well it concerns me being 51 that if there is something I can do with ensuring I am exploring all I can with my vision care and what may be taking place. I have been connected to a great internal medicine doctor however he could not get neurology to take me and there are some areas I am not sure if I should be advocating to have explored regarding nerve and brain/eye connection. Prior to all this, I had been to a neurologist in 2019 as he explored epilepsy due to what seemed was like a severe vertigo episode, almost like a seizure. After a year of trying epilepsy medication and no further episodes and "not significant but unusual activity" which he told me could be caused by anything, with sleep deprived and further EEG's, I was taken off the medication and sent on my way. During this time I transformed my lifestyle, focused on sleep, nutrition, movement, overall improved my health, working alongside a colleague for awhile I explored neurofeedback and wearable technology, used some such as the Vielight, Bellabee, I also had neurofeedback for almost a year or more. After training and experiencing EMDR myself, and further exploration of contributing experiential factors to symptoms for myself this was something that helped with overall neurophysiological adaptiveness and stability I know. Yet, I began this deterioration with vision, and fatigue, as most notable ongoing symptoms that have not improved. After starting HRT this spring this helped with sleep however, I again come back to my inquiry, am I doing everything I can to improve or explore my current symptoms? Apologies for the lengthy history, if any ideas or suggestions I would be grateful and very appreciative. Thank you so much!