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Is CYBEX gear harmful?

I (70 yr old male) use CYBEX gear 4-5 times a week. But found ( opinion that all CYBEX-type equipment is harmful, and free weights or other practices should be used instead.

Long term Intestinal Permeability and Lymes

A recommendation where to go and who you would recommend to see to evaluate my condition. Hello and thank you for your time. I’m 59 and I have had health issues my entire life. So in 2016 my body shut down . 16 plus hours of sleep a day. So in March 2020 the 12th Doctor I saw was able to look at intestinal Impermeability. I also was diagnosed with several different tick borne diseases. I also have had valley fever. Last complication is multiple head injuries. I also have a predominant ringing of the ears. I’m currently advocating to get disability. If and when I get it I would like your recommendation to see someone that can look into how much this long term malnutrition has effected my health. My hormones and mind need some work. Im currently having some success with your supplements. I take Omega 3’s, zinc, Tyrosine, Magnesium Threonate, Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, Glutamine and creatinine. Now that hat the major pain levels have gone, I now can see significant mental and hormone challenges . Im disciplined and strong willed, have to eat a almost perfect. I I take a lot of raw milk and kefir . I do breathwork out of necessity. Just read your article on box breathing. No: gluten, dairy, or poor quality food. In my opinion I’m a great case study. I am willing to travel for help. I’m currently in Flagstaff Az. Thanks

Vegus Nerve

I have been searching for a good/substantial overview of what we really know overall about the vegus nerve and all of the various systems that are related to it. It has always struck me how little scientific focus it gets considering how many systems it effects. Do you have any expert researchers in this area that you recommend following and/or are there any comprehensive literature sources that you would recommend for someone that wants to learn more on the topic?

Cognitive reserve

Dr. Huberman I started listening to your podcast this past summer so I have a lot of catching up to do. Was recently reading about cognitive reserve and the protein NRN1. Have you covered this in a podcast? If not, could you or point me to some resources regarding this? Sean

factors of our sleep need

Greetings, Huberman Lab. Dr. Huberman mentioned the sleep time we need per day will change. What are the factors of these change? I am thinking about the role of age, season, daily activity (like the intensity of physical exercise and learning), food intake, and so on.