Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Autoimmune Disorders

Will you be doing an episode on autoimmune disorders, particularly connective tissue disorders? And or the link between neurodivergency and autoimmune conditions? Much appreciated. Thanks!

Goal setting

How would you set 3 goals for 1 year ,( for health , work & individual part time work besides a 9 to 5 job) for 1 year? I implemented so far following the foundational fitness protocol and the routines from the productivity podcast and from the daily blue print. Should I focus on balancing the two job by blocking out timescales ,for example in 1:3 , or set milestones for action steps and financial goals and not worry about the time put in?

Autoimmune Disorders

Maybe I am mistaken, but it seems from people in my social circle, that autoimmune disorders are seemingly very common, and specially in women. Would you be willing to take a dive into this disorders and what is known about them? I have a particular interest in psoriasis.

Storytelling, commonalities and impacts on physiology.

You've been spending time around comedians such as your cousin and I've become intrigued by the act of storytelling. Is there any research on the commonalities in an engaging story or a good storyteller? What are the state changes that occur while listening to a story, or when telling a story? An engaging storyteller seems to be able to quickly and consistently lead their listeners into an intrigued, almost hypnotic state. So what is going on internally when a storyteller first "hooks" someone in with an engaging story? Given the prevalence of storytelling in comedy, I want to know if you have gained any anecdotal insights when talking with comedians as well.

Improving Communication & Influence

I'm a management consultant who is working on my communication and presence - basically smoothing out client interactions, influencing others, and presenting materials effectively. What are some tangible practices and/or exercises to work on these soft skills that have been validated by academic research? I realize there is a body of literature from Cialdini, etc. but couldn't really find much actionable there.