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Keto + Fasting + muscle growth - body fat: is it possible and how?

Hi Dr. Huberman, like many others, I want to express my profound gratitude for your inspiring work. Your scientifically-backed health protocols have not only improved my health and lifestyle but also that of those I care for most! I've been grappling with a question that's difficult to get on the web : Is it feasible to gain muscle mass while on a keto and intermittent fasting regimen? Considering you are training for hypertrophy and low body fat(10-12%) If possible, could you suggest a protocol to maximize gains and reduce body fat simultaneously? How long does it take to re-enter ketosis after training fasted and then consuming a significant amount of carbs to refill glycogen stores? Is carb intake necessary for optimal gains? Is there another way to refill glycogen? What happens of I train and i dont eat for another 4-5h because i am fasting? Do iblose all the potential gains from that training? This also connects regarding the protein intake, if the recommendation is to consume it in the first 30 minutes for maximum absorption, and that fasting would have me starting to eat at noon and that i train at 6h, all of these combined is difficult to adjust with the best proptocols. how would you approach this? While these are many questions, they all revolve around the same subject. I hope this might inspire you to dedicate a podcast episode to this topic, delving into the details. I really hope you can decode all these questions and make some sense of it in whole, and if you dont you can always call me to get it directly from me! Haha Im sure youll have the time to do that! 514 812 3450 All jokes aside, thank you once again for all your guidance and support

What does it mean to be untrained?

On the episode with Dr. Andy Galpin, Dr. Huberman mentioned that when he was young he followed a certain training regime that yielded good results due to him being "untrained" at the time. What does it mean to be untrained and why does it yield better results for physical training?

High HDL increases risk of Dementia

I thought high HDL was good but a new study noted that high and low levels of so-called "good" HDL cholesterol could increase the risk of dementia in older adults. My HDL is 81, which I thought was good but based on this study I am at increased risk of Dementia. Thoughts on this study and ways I can lower my HDL specifically.

ADHD medication and vasoconstriction to the brain

I have ADHD and had my medication changed from Dexamphetamine to Vyvanse. I had some vasoconstriction issues while on Dex, however, Vyvanse affected me to a much greater extent to the point of chilblains on my toes and a core body temperature that rarely made it over 36°C; I was cold all the time. I was also having some cognitive issues. My question is, would that same vasoconstriction be happening in the brain? If so, what would it's affects be?


What does the research say on barefoot shoes?