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Can you add subtitles or dubbing in spanish to Dr. Palmers episode on keto and mental health, so I can share the protocols with my dad, who is fighting with chronic depression?

Dear Humerman Lab Team, The episode with Dr. Chris Palmer talking about the ketogenic diet and it’s impact on mental health was amazing. I live in Germany, my family is back in Latin america, I was born and raised in Venezuela. Depression runs in my family, my dad (74 years), sister (35) and I (28) have been at one point or another affected, and at least for me, changing my diet, exercising and doing therapy have all kept my depression and anxiety at bay. My dad has been through a lot lately, he is getting old and he is realizing it, he has had several falls, due to this, knee, hip and back pain have been limiting his mobility greatly over the last year. Floodings almost took my parents house in 2022. They have a small hotel and after the pandemic the tourism business never got back to where it was. Stress left and right, they are struggling, he is in pain a lot and his mental health is not great, this all in a latin country and society where unfortunately, mental health is still tabu and depression is still looked at as weakness (macho mentality, men don’t cry, etc) my dad recently told my mom he „doesn’t want to keep going with life anymore“… In the past weeks he voiced more of these thoughts, we took this very seriously so my mom went with him to see a psychologist for a therapy session and a psychiatrist prescribed him antidepressants, he has a follow up in two weeks and starts physical therapy for his injuries in a week, he is trying to get back to some hobbies he enjoys, so I’m optimistic and I want to help him recover, but im far away. I wanted to ask them to watch the episode with Dr. Palmer but my parents weren’t able to follow in English, I think it’s important they understand the underlying mechanisms so they believe in this approach more. My mom is a microbiologist so she would be able to understand them well and help my dad with the concepts. The available resources in spanish are unfortunately very superficial and mostly only aimed at weight loss, I believe Dr Palmers book is not available in spanish, and although I will explain the Ketogenic diet to my parents, translate articles and so on, and I believe my dad will give it a try, If he would be able to follow through the whole episode with Dr. Palmer I think he has a much better shot. I told them to talk to the Psychologist and Family doctor about this diet but I think they too will have to be educated a bit first, having the video dubbed or with captions would help with that as well. This will also help grow the channel, help spread the word to non english speaking countries, where unfortunately the resources for this type of topics is very scarce, not only for mental health but for all subjects you explore. If doing the dubbing is unrealistic, adding the subtitles would be great as well. I believe there is also an option to enable community contributions so I could also add them. Thanks a lot in advance, I hope this message doesn’t get lost with all of the great feedback and messages you guys are getting. Keep doing what you are doing, there has never been a time when comprehensive, cutting edge research and information was so available to the public, all thanks to the Huberman lab team!

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